Henry develops new skills every day. Lately he screams (happily) and "talks" a lot. He's gaining more and more control over his hands and he grabs at everything he can get a grip on. Usually, it goes straight into the mouth, where it competes with the hand that's already in there. Henry LOVES to suck on his hands! And, he drools like crazy
Henry is still progressing towards becoming a very good sleeper. He's never consistent, but he quite frequently has very good nights. Last night he slept from 10pm until 7:30am 9 1/2 hours - not too shabby.
On Saturday, December 16, Henry decided not to eat. From 8:30am until 12:30am I couldn't get him to eat. And, every time I tried he screamed as if something terrible were happening to him. This, from a baby who usually eats every three hours, I was quite concerned. So, after talking to his doctor we decided to take him to Primary Childrens Hospital where they ran a bunch of tests and, fortunately, determined that nothing was wrong with him. He wasn't even dehydrated (but how?). So, after several hours, and some relief for me on the hospital breast pump, we went home with a fasting baby. Next day, he acted as if nothing had happened, he ate like a champ. Who knows what happened!?!
Last night we ventured out into the cold to view the lights at Temple Square. I especially like the foreign nativities. Henry just LOVED to look at all of the lights. I'm conviced that he will forever be intrigued by bright shinny objects.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!