Tuesday, May 04, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog?

My sister Katie said it's imperative that I start blogging again now that I'm having another baby and moving to Florida. Is there anyone else out there who agrees?


Summer Wilson said...

Yes, Yes, Yes. I was wondering what happened to you guys. Congrats on the soon to be new baby and move to Florida.

Suz said...

I agree! I miss my weekly Joe and Heidi fix.

leigh said...

I agree too. I wished you were blogging this whole time.

The Pachuilo Family said...

I agree! This is Ashle Higbee by the way, I found your blog by blog hopping. You can follow me at pachuilos.blogspot.com

Amy said...

Definitely! Sounds like there is much to blog about!

Earl & Girls said...

Yes, and how far along are you?

jamieleighcall said...

I DO, I DO! (Waving hand wildly.) Congrats on your pg. I think I knew that, but maybe I didn't. Are you still able to exercise? Hope all is well with you guys.

Chris and Jen said...

Definitely!! Unless we move to Florida with you.

Shellie said...

Hello, yes. How else am I going to convince Joey that we need to venture to Florida unless he sees all the fun you are having? I'm mean really, Heidi.

AJ and Cindy said...

congratulations on the baby!! We didn't know! I think you MUST start blogging more :)

Katie said...

Haha...I was thinking you should do it just for me but it sounds like you have a lot of people that #1 miss you and #2 don't know what the heck you guys are up to now.

So catch up!

Kevin Wilding said...

-napoleon dynamite

Victoria Wilding said...

Blog blog blog. Its how we keep up with you. Plus we'll need plenty of Florida pictures.

Jenny Spilker said...

Absolutely!!! We have to be able to know what the heck is going on with you guys. Plus we are going to have to see pictures of Henry and Amelia. It looks like you already have a fan club so you better get a boggin'

Emily J. said...

If you have time to blog it would be cool to read about what you're up to. It was fun reading back when you did do it. But... I gotta think you're probably pretty busy...

Callie said...

You're going to be so bored in Florida without me there to entertain you anyway, so why not spend your time blogging?