Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I know you all love reading sick blog posts, so here's mine.

Henry is sick; he's really sick.

We went camping in Goblin Valley with some folks from the ward- on the way down he thew up. It's gross, but no big deal, he usually throws up on long car rides.

On Saturday, as we left Green River I noticed Henry had a fever so we gave him some Motrin. Just as we got off I-15 in Salt Lake, Henry threw up again. We thought it was another dose of car sickness, until he threw up again and again and again.

Sunday was on and off with the fever and the vomit and the coughing. So finally, I called the on call pediatrician who said it sounded like pneumonia, so off to the Kids Care we went for a chest x-ray and check up.

The diagnosis: adenovirus which casued Henry to have a high fever, weezing and pneumonia. The treatment: rest, albuterol and ibuprofin.

Monday was also on and off with a ridiculously high uncontrollable fever, minimal vomit and a TON of coughing. By 7pm on Monday night Henry was coughing so much I was nervous that he couldn't breathe so I took him back to the Kids Care.

The diagnosis: adenovirus which casued Henry to have a high uncontrollable fever, pneumonia, and the worst tonsilitis seen in a long time along with the high volume unstoppable coughing.

The treatment: Tylenol combined with a steroid to bring down the fever. Alternating tylenol and ibuprofen every 3 hours to maintain a lower body temperature. Albuterol for less weezing. Codene to relieve the coughing and put him to sleep.

Tuesday was awful. Henry's fever was nearly gone. The coughing remained and the whining was never ending. His whining was so bad that it nearly brought me to tears. On Tuesday, late morning, Henry was whining that he wanted a bike ride. I couldn't take him for various logistical reasons, so I offered a walk in the jogging stroller instead. I, unknowingly, didn't put the stroller together properly and after I put him in it he fell straight back onto the pavement. It was so sad and so awful, I dropped him right on his head! After he calmed down and the coughing and gagging ended we went on a short walk and came home and fell right asleep. I got nervous that I gave him a concussion so I called the doctor and made yet another appointment.

The diagnosis: his head is fine, no concussion. Severe ear infections in both ears.
The treatment: Antibiotics for 10 days.

I hope the worst is over and that Henry will be well again soon. I'm annoyed that doctors are so afraid to give antibiotics that it took three appointments for someone to say, hey maybe we should try them afterall. I'm sad that Henry has been feeling awful for so long. I'm upset with myself for being so impatient with him today, but don't really know how to be more patient with him in the future. I am hopeful that tomorrow will be a better day!


Chris and Jen said...

Oh Heidi, I feel your pain. I am so sorry that he has been so sick. It sounds like he needed antibiotics from the get go, but in this world of antibiotic resistance, it is hard to just always write a prescription. In a couple of years Joe can just write the script (although I still have my pediatrician do everything for Abby even though I can too). Get better soon and we'll hang out when we get back from vacation.

leigh said...

Poor guy, and poor you! How did they not check the ears the first time? I can't imagine it CAN get any worse than this, so hopefully the end is in sight.

nateandalliewilcox said...

That sounds horrible, poor Henry, and poor Henry's parents. From experience I know that it's much harder to take care of one sick child as a mother, than 4 as their nurse. Hope he feels better soon!!!

Lynnette said...

I feel so sorry for you guys. What an awful thing to come back to after vacation. We did have a great time with you while in Goblin Valley. Isaac and Eve just adore you and Joe and Henry (as do we!!)