Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Joe is definately going crazy

Joe is currently studying to take step one of his medical board exam, which is scheduled for next Thursday, June 19. This test is one of the major factors that determines what residency programs he will be competitive for and thus what type of doctor he will ultimately become. Passing this test is necessary to continue with his medical training and doing really well is equally important to Joe. To prepare for the test, Joe studies nearly 12-14 hours every day, which, it seems, is beginning to take a toll on him. Every day after studying he comes home with an Einstein hairdo- he clearly takes his stress out on his hair- eats dinner and resumes studying. I think he needs a break!

Here are some of his latest chat and email comments and their corresponding pics sent to me (yes he sends me pic's of himself all the time):

"I am just studying too hard."

"This is tough."

"Serious, my brain is melting"

"Look out!"


Chris and Jen said...

That last one is a little creepy! No actually . . a lot creepy. Good luck! We know you'll do great.

Shellie said...

Joey didn't believe me when I told him they were all Joe. If he starts to look like that in person, we are in trouble. Here's to one more hard week!

Jenny Spilker said...

Thanks for a good laugh today. One more week, GOOD LUCK JOE!!!!

AJ and Cindy said...

Those pictures are so funny! We wish Joe the best of luck!!

Stan and Mel said...

Love the pictures. Sounds like you're probably done? Hope things went well!