Monday, July 05, 2010

The English Language is Impossible

Henry and I play scrabble. I spell a word and he reads the word and then he spells a word I read it. Typically I spell words that he can read like car, dog, pig, hat, dad, etc. Typically he spells words I can't read like jrzq, abif, tygh, etc. It's a fun way for him to learn to put the sounds together and a fun way for me to attempt to figure out how to teach him the many various sounds letters make when they are placed together.

The other day Henry and I were finishing our game of scrabble and just for fun I spelled:

Henry asked me to tell him what it said and when I told him that was how to spell Amelia he insisted that I was wrong. U says "uh" and A says "ah" so of course, he insisted Amelia is spelled like this:

Sometimes I think he is too smart.


KroekieMonsters said...

The problem's not in your spelling, it's in your pronunciation.
Also I'm glad to see your whole family is now included in your blog title.

Rebekah said...

The next Henry Higgins, a little linguist in the making!