Monday, November 10, 2008

Winner, winner and a funny side note

Thanks for entertaining me and playing my election contest. Missouri still has not declared a victor but regardless of Missouri's vote, Jamie won. Obama received 364 electoral votes and McCain received 162. Missouri's 11 electoral votes are still in limbo.

I was at Toys 'R Us this evening entertaining Henry when I was passed by some serious hoodlums (picture: baggy, sagging black pants. White oversized t-shirt. Skater shoes. Greasy hair.) probably 15 years old, running down the isles chanting O-bama, O-bama. I know that I'm stereotyping those kids, but I think that the interest from kids this young and niaeve, is a sign that Obama has really touched Americans in a way that no other politician in recent history has. That's invigorating!

Henry, to my dismay, was clearly not as interested in Obama as those kids at Toys 'R Us. Today we received the most recent copy of Newsweek, a magazine to which we subscribe. Here's the cover:

Henry looked at the cover and said, John McCain. Clearly he's been listening in on our conversations at home, but why did he pick up John McCain? Don't worry, all is well, now, he also says President Barack Obama.

1 comment:

jamieleighcall said...

Let the brainwashing begin! ;) Ben is already an Obama-Rama fan. We gotta start them out early. Also, just e-mailed you about the cookies. It wasn't much of a win so I don't know that I really deserve them. I was pretty off. Who knew he would take North Carolina and Pennsylvania! Exciting.