Saturday, September 20, 2008

Feeding the Fire

Henry and I went to the air show in Wendover today. I almost didn't go but I'm SO glad we went. Not only did Henry have a great time but I surprisingly enjoyed myself as well. Some of the highlights of the show:
  • Seeing the helicopters

  • Going for a ride in the helicopter, Henry and I got a 20 minute ride around East Wendover. The view wasn't specacular, but the ride was phenomenal, especially for Henry. He didn't hold his breath, like he did at the Kids Fair when he saw the helicopter fly close by, or scream like he does when they fly over our house, instead, he seemed calm, relaxed, like he was just taking it all in. When he called his Dad afterwards and saw his grandma later that day he excitedly talked all about it. We both enjoyed the ride!

  • Did I mention that there were helicopters?

  • Seeing all the airplanes with propellers that look kind of like helicopters

  • Getting a picture of a helicopter from Life Flight

  • Getting a picture in the helicopter, there are many picture from our ride, but this is my favorite. He really does have the same cheesy smile that Joe has.

  • Oh, and there was a cool air show (in all honesty, Henry loved the air show, even though it was airplanes and not helicopters). If you listen carefully in the video below you can hear him narrating (he even suggests that the airplane is "cooking"). He loved the show - ooo ing and ahhh ing through out the entire thing.

Even after all of the fantastic stunts by the airmen in the show, when Henry and I were leaving, a bit before the show was over because it was way past nap time and he was clearly not surviving well, Henry cried because he could see a helicopter on it's landing pad and didn't want to leave without seeing it up close.

We will definately go to another air show. This was a small air show and we had a blast!


Victoria Wilding said...

You are such an awesome mom! That looks like it was a ton of fun. I'm glad you got to go in the helicopter for a ride and I loved Henry's naration of the show.

Jenny Spilker said...

I love the picture of Henry in the helicopter. I am sure he had a blast. His little voice on the video is so sweet. What a cutie!! I am sure it was a little boys dream come true!

jamieleighcall said...

Henry is so big! I can't believe how much he has grown. I love that he cried because he didn't see the helicopter land up close. Cute!

I read your post about the nasty men and have to say, sometimes those stares are warranted (not like I'm rationalizing their behavior, but I just had a moment the other day that did just that. I was heading upstairs to do my cardio and I noticed about 10 guys lifting weights and had their heads turned toward the room all the classes are held (glass windows so you can directly inside.) I looked inside to see what they were all staring at and there was this woman (mid 20's) practicing her "pageant" walk in just what appeared to be a bra and underwear. Yeah, she definitely deserved the looks and stares (I was giving her one too.) Blew my mind! What are people thinking?!!!

Chrystal Wilcox said...

Henry is a gorgeous little boy. I love the pictures.

Holly said...

I don't know if you'll even read this because it's an old post but I just read it so it's new to me! The air show looks like it was so much fun. I'll have to see if they do anything like that down here. Megan would LOVE that. That's so so neat you got to ride in a helicopter. That would make Megan's year!